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閱讀書籍 - 無辜的小鬼(中英) 宣化上人主講

無辜的小鬼(中英) 宣化上人主講


[日期:2016-07-01] 來源:網絡轉載  作者:宣化上人主講 如佛友覺得此書不錯,請按

The Hearts of a Mother and her Child are Connected

Guo- Xin Xie


The connection between the hearts of a mother and her child begins even before the child is born.; it starts when the child is still in the womb. The child knows exactly what his or her mother is thinking.

I teach Buddhism to children. I remember once I talked to several parents about the principle of no killing. I told them that having an abortion is a form of killing, because it is taking the life of a living human being. However, a number of younger mothers in the group disagreed. Then, a mother responded by telling us the story of her three year old daughter. Mrs. Ye told us that she always planned to have only two children, so when her second child was born, she started to use contraceptives. To her surprise, after a number of years, she got pregnant again. She felt that it would be difficult to raise three children, so after getting her husband’s consent, she decided to abort the fetus that was several weeks old.
That evening, she dreamed about a cute little girl who told her, “Mom, please don’t get rid of me. I will be very good.” For three consecutive nights, Mrs. Ye had the same dream. She realized that her daughter was pleading with her not to have an abortion. After these dreams, Mrs. Ye didn’t have the heart to go through with an abortion, so she didn’t terminate her pregnancy and gave birth to a baby girl.
When I met this little girl, she was already three years old. She is very obedient, clever and cute, and she really likes to clean the bathroom for her mother. Mrs. Ye’s story confirms that abortion is a form of killing; in fact, by having an abortion we would be killing not just anyone, but our own child. There is a saying that “the hearts of a mother and her child are connected.” This connection begins even before the child is born; it starts when the child is still in the womb. The child knows exactly what his or her mother is thinking. This connection is also captured by the saying, “education starts in the womb.” We can imagine how pitiful it would be for a little baby who knows that his or her mother is planning to terminate his or her life. This baby’s fear and helplessness turns into hatred and resentment when he or she is killed. How can anyone bear this? Please think carefully before you act!
第1頁:有感而發 - 李家同 推薦序 第2頁:尊重生命‧愛惜自己◎編輯部序
第3頁:殺人償命,欠債還錢 第4頁:墮胎、嬰靈答問錄
第5頁:糊塗債 第6頁:十二因緣
第7頁:教育始於胎教 第8頁:沒有理性的自由
第9頁:近朱者赤,近墨者黑 第10頁:一失人身,萬劫不復
第11頁:誠念地藏菩薩超業障 第12頁:談墮胎◎釋恒雲
第13頁:孩子們,對不起◎曾媽媽 第14頁:一輩子的痛◎楊果同
第15頁:讓錯誤不再發生◎王士明 第16頁:那是一條命◎凱西‧陳
第17頁:對自己的生命負責◎于安 第18頁:母子連心◎謝果馨
第19頁:行醫的迴盪◎莊雅媜‧臨床心理師 第20頁:迴向文
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