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閱讀書籍 - 為什麼要受持五戒?(中英對照) 宣化上人著

為什麼要受持五戒?(中英對照) 宣化上人著


[日期:2010-07-28] 來源:網友上傳  作者:宣化上人著 如佛友覺得此書不錯,請按
◎ 老修行的故事

◎ The story of an old cultivator

以 前有個老修行,是在家人不是出家人。他受了五戒,另外又受了一個「食不語」的戒。可是他把五戒都犯了,就剩這個「食不語」的戒未犯。護這條戒的戒神就希望 他快點犯這條戒,祂也好走了,不保護他。但是這個人始終也不犯這條戒,吃飯的時候,他總不講話。以後這個戒神就給他托夢﹕「你什麼戒都犯了,為什麼吃飯這 個戒你不犯呢?你快點犯,我好離開你了。」

Once an old lay cultivator had received the five precepts and an additional rule of “keeping silent while eating.” However, later he broke all five precepts and only kept the rule of "keeping silent while eating." The precept-protecting spirit that protected this rule hoped that the lay person would violate it so that he could also leave. This person, nonetheless, never broke that rule. He always ate in silence.

Later, that precept spirit appeared in a dream, “You have transgressed all the precepts. Why haven’t you broken this rule of "keeping silent while eating"? Please break it quickly so I can leave.”


The old cultivator thought to himself, “I only hold this one rule of eating in silence and still I have that precept spirit protecting me.” Thereafter, he found a virtuous Dharma Master and received the five precepts again. Consequently, he cultivated and realized the Way. Each person has his own set of causes and conditions.


Therefore, receiving precepts is a very important matter in Buddhism.
第1頁:不要錯過受五戒的機會 第2頁:什麼叫「居士」?
第3頁:什麼叫「五戒」? 第4頁:什麼叫「十善」?
第5頁:什麼叫「綺語」? 第6頁:十善是什麼?
第7頁:必須向出家人求戒 第8頁:佛教徒要守持的根本戒律
第9頁:可不可以抽菸? 第10頁:受五戒的重要性
第11頁:學佛法沒有什麼利益? 第12頁:不受戒是真「自由」嗎?
第13頁:破戒怎麼辦? 第14頁:老修行的故事
第15頁:文殊菩薩的寶珠 第16頁:不要做自己的辯護律師
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