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閱讀書籍 - 為什麼要受持五戒?(中英對照) 宣化上人著

為什麼要受持五戒?(中英對照) 宣化上人著


[日期:2010-07-28] 來源:網友上傳  作者:宣化上人著 如佛友覺得此書不錯,請按
◎ 不受戒是真「自由」嗎?

◎ Will "not receiving precepts" give you true freedom?


People with wrong views say, “Don’t take the precepts. What do you want to take them for? Why get some precepts to restrain you?” That is a wrong view. You think that not receiving precepts is being free. But it’s very easy to fall into the hells that way. That's where your so-called "true freedom” may lead you.


If you receive the precepts, you will have the protection of precepts. The precept marks, percept dharma, and precept substance will support you. You will not fall into the hells that easily. Even if you do fall into the hells, you will get out quickly. If you like to be free and don’t take precepts, then later when you fall into the hells, it's not for sure when you will come out.

你要是受過戒,墮地獄的時間,由很長的時間可以縮短。好像你犯了很大的法,被 警察捉住,因為你給總統做護衛、茶房,總統就寫字條叫人把你放出來,你很快就出來了。若是沒有這種關係,很久的時間也不能放出來,不知要拖延多久。這是同 一個道理,你有「戒」來保護你,它可以把你受很長罪的時間,縮為很短的時間。所以不要自作聰明,說不受戒是好的。

On the other hand if you have received precepts your time span in the hells can be shortened. It is like when someone who committed a major crime gets caught by the police. If the criminal had worked as a personal guard or an attendant for the president, then the president may write a note ordering that criminal's release. If the criminal doesn’t have such connection, he won’t be released for who knows how long. It is similar to that. When you have the protection of precepts, the long duration of your suffering can be greatly condensed. Therefore, don’t get smart and say, “It’s good not to receive the precepts.”


It’s good for you to receive the precepts. Let me say this to you, “Having taken the Buddha’s precepts, living beings enter the position of all Buddhas.” When living beings take the precepts of Buddhas, it’s the same as having entered the position of the Buddha. Therefore, don’t disparage the precepts or slander the Vinaya of the Buddha.
第1頁:不要錯過受五戒的機會 第2頁:什麼叫「居士」?
第3頁:什麼叫「五戒」? 第4頁:什麼叫「十善」?
第5頁:什麼叫「綺語」? 第6頁:十善是什麼?
第7頁:必須向出家人求戒 第8頁:佛教徒要守持的根本戒律
第9頁:可不可以抽菸? 第10頁:受五戒的重要性
第11頁:學佛法沒有什麼利益? 第12頁:不受戒是真「自由」嗎?
第13頁:破戒怎麼辦? 第14頁:老修行的故事
第15頁:文殊菩薩的寶珠 第16頁:不要做自己的辯護律師
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