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閱讀書籍 - 無辜的小鬼(中英) 宣化上人主講

無辜的小鬼(中英) 宣化上人主講


[日期:2016-07-01] 來源:網絡轉載  作者:宣化上人主講 如佛友覺得此書不錯,請按

Debts Made in Confusion

A Talk Given by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua, June 16, 1980

For people to become family members in this life,
there must be causes and affinities from their past lives.

每個人的面目不同,其因果也不一樣,每個人在往昔生生世世所欠下的債也不同。有些人欠債太多了,到這個世界上來,還也還不了,所謂「債臺高築」,也就是業障之臺,一天比一天高,一天比一天深,債上加債,糾纏不清。這是什麼緣故呢? 是因為往昔專門放高利貸,借錢給人,利上加利,貪得無饜,自己以為佔了便宜,結果是自己吃了虧,業障一天比一天重,終於拔不出腿來了!
Everyone has a different appearance. In addition, their causes and effects vary, and their debts accumulated from past lives are also different. Some people owe so much that they can’t even pay off their debts in this lifetime. It is said that these individuals are “building a high mountain of debts.” This mountain is also a mountain of karmic obstacles, which is getting higher day by day. With new debts added on old debts, the debtors get even more entangled. Why is that? It is because these individuals specialized in usurious practices in the past. They were so greedy that they charged excessive interests and thought they were making a profit at their borrowers’ expense. However, they were actually hurting themselves, because their karmic offenses were getting heavier every day. Eventually these karmic offenses became so heavy that they couldn’t pull themselves out of the resulting retributions.  
Some people repay their karmic debts by becoming their creditors’ father, mother, husband, wife, son or daughter. It is said that “parents endure hunger as a way to repay their debts to their children.” Various kinds of causes and conditions have shaped our destinies in this life. However, most people do not understand that everything occurs due to prior causes and resulting consequences. Therefore, instead of owning up to their inescapable karmic debts, sometimes they don’t even acknowledge their debts to others; instead, they try to renege. Such unreasonable actions cause many troubles in the world -- you have your trouble, I have mine and they have theirs. Everyone has both wholesome and unwholesome causes and conditions, which are entangled and difficult to separate. Once in a while, when people encounter Buddhism, they will understand the truth a bit.
However, while being clear about the truth today, they get confused by tomorrow; being clear the day after tomorrow, but a day later they get all mixed-up again. They go back and forth between clarity and confusion until they have as much wisdom as delusion. When muddled, they don’t want to cultivate the Bodhi Path; in moments of clarity, they are willing to cultivate. Unfortunately, the time spent cultivating is a lot less than the time spent being confused. As a result, what they gained from cultivation is a lot less than what they lost due to confusion. Day by day, their wisdom decreases as their delusion increases. Driven by their ignorance, they end up engaging in all sorts of mixed-up conducts. With confused minds, their bodies also become confused; harboring greed, hatred and delusion in their minds, they use their bodies to commit killing, stealing and sexual misconducts. They create an innumerable amount of karmic debts while they are confused, and these debts are really hard to repay!
Given all these debts, sometimes disharmony arise among one's family members -- between father and son, mother and daughter, husband and wife, elder brother and younger brother, elder sister and younger sister, or a brother and a sister. However, despite these family problems, one still refuses to acknowledge one’s mistakes and settle one’s debts; instead one feels he or she has been wronged somehow. Actually, all of this can be explained by the unchanging principle of cause and effect -- due to the causes one planted in the past, one reaps the consequence now. So, what is there to complain about? It is said that “If you understand cause and effect, you would not stand next to a crumbling wall.” In fact, we should not “complain to the heavens or blame others” for our misfortunes. Instead, we need to understand the principle of cause and effect, and plant pure and wholesome causes instead of confused ones. When our actions accord with the Bodhi Way, we should proceed; otherwise, we should retreat. Do not confuse good with evil any longer, or mix up the right with the wrong. If we can distinguish black from white and be clear on what’s true and what’s false, then we have an opportunity to return to our inherent nature, our wondrous Buddha nature, which is pure and bright.
第1頁:有感而發 - 李家同 推薦序 第2頁:尊重生命‧愛惜自己◎編輯部序
第3頁:殺人償命,欠債還錢 第4頁:墮胎、嬰靈答問錄
第5頁:糊塗債 第6頁:十二因緣
第7頁:教育始於胎教 第8頁:沒有理性的自由
第9頁:近朱者赤,近墨者黑 第10頁:一失人身,萬劫不復
第11頁:誠念地藏菩薩超業障 第12頁:談墮胎◎釋恒雲
第13頁:孩子們,對不起◎曾媽媽 第14頁:一輩子的痛◎楊果同
第15頁:讓錯誤不再發生◎王士明 第16頁:那是一條命◎凱西‧陳
第17頁:對自己的生命負責◎于安 第18頁:母子連心◎謝果馨
第19頁:行醫的迴盪◎莊雅媜‧臨床心理師 第20頁:迴向文
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北辰 发表于 2014-10-24 18:00:00
回向 忏悔 努力。
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匿名 发表于 2014-8-30 11:12:40
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匿名 发表于 2014-4-3 7:07:42
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妮妮 发表于 2013-5-15 19:33:26
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epo 发表于 2012-8-15 5:37:58
To respect all the living things is the basic of a human.