greed".  Whatever you own, is yours.  I don't want it.  And anything of mine that you want, I will give to you.  I actually will hand it over. When I give, it's not like the classic, greedy Sangha-member, who constantly tells people to "Give! Give! Give", and who mouths the platitude, "Left-home people do not crave wealth; but the more there is, the better." Any ordinary person hopes that people will give to him, yet this monk is not at all interested in being charitable towards others.  This is a wrong attitude.  We should avoid it.


As for "no seeking", it means don't look for opportunities to make a killing, or to score a fat profit. Everybody in the world fights for advantages.  If we understand the principle of not seeking, and resting content, with few desires, then we won't contend with people any more.  Someone who grasps this point truly understands the Six Great Principles.


Why don't we seek?  It's because we don't want to be selfish.  The only reason a person would seek for things is because of selfishness.  With no self, there's no reason left to seek.  And free of selfishness, one won't run after personal benefits.  These two of the Six Guidelines are inter-related.  No selfishness creates the condition for not seeking personal advantages.  The two names: "no selfishness" and "no self-benefit" sound similar: in fact, they have distinct differences.


The last one is "no lying".  The only reason a person would lie is out of fear; he's afraid of losing his selfish advantages.  This fear moves him to criticize everybody else, saying, "All of you are wrong.  I'm the only one who's right.  "Why does he feel this way?  Because he fears he'll lose his benefits to other people.  Someone who didn't hanker after personal profits would have no reason to tell a lie.  In the final analysis, what's a lie worth, anyway?  If you can truly understand these Six Guiding Principles, then you know what it means to be a person.


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