he ultimate point turns bad.  Evil, once it reaches an extreme, turns good.  A person who is poor to the bitter extreme of poverty can suddenly strike it rich, while rich people can lose every penny overnight.  Once born, we are tiny infants, but we grow up, grow old, get sick, and die. That's the cycle of creation and destruction rolling on in the world. It is a natural process of progressive, cyclical change.  A process of progressive, cyclical change.  A process of metabolism, and transformation. 



If we recognize the state, then getting rich won't especially appeal to us any longer. And if we should lose our wealth, then we will see things according to the proverb:

    The superior person, even in poverty, maintains his integrity.
    The petty person stops at nothing to strike it rich.


So it is most important in this day and age of insanity not to go crazy, and not to forget what it means to be a person.  We must keep in mind the original purpose and appearance of human beings.


When speaking of the meaning of human life, I can say frankly, that the most beneficial things I have run across in my entire life are the Six Guidelines of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.


The first of these is "not fighting."  This rule applies unilaterally.  I will not contend with anybody.  No matter what criticism you give me.  I will accept it without reservation.  Call me what you will.  A small cat?  Fine, I'm a cat.  Call me a dog?  Okay, I'm a dog.  However you perceive me in your mind, that's what I am.  Do you see me as a Buddha?  I'm a Buddha.  Do you see me as a Bodhisattva?  That's what I am.  "Everything is made from the mind alone."  I am whatever you conceive me to be.


For my own part, I have my goals and purposes for being a person.  What are they?  Simply not contending with people, no matter who it is.  You may call me what you please, and I will wear that label.  I will acknowledge the name.  That will be who I am.  I won't contend with you.


The second rule is "no

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