人類的未來(中英對照) 宣化上人主講
2010-7-30 20:43:35
In this era, when technology and materialism flourish, we want to take a careful look at the thinking of the times and ask ourselves whether or not this is a good age to live in.
Science has made great advances in technology and that certainly counts as good. But we should also realize the truth in the saying,
"Anything taken to the ultimate point
transforms into its opposite."
In the case of technological advances, good things also beckon misfortune.
Let's look at television, for example, I know people will object to my analysis of the TV, saying "Dharma Master, you're a throwback to another age. You're an anachronism. You're out of step with the times.
"Nonetheless, in my opinion, the television is a menace to human life. The television is a man-eater. Did you know that?
Look at children these days. Instead of doing their schoolwork, they sit in front of the TV set. They're glued to the screen, and it eats up their very life-force. The children might as well be dead, because they will never learn the basic principles of being good people. They only learn how to stare at the television.
And what does the TV teach them? Every kind of strange and freakish behavior you can imagine. They learn precious little of value. The kids very quickly learn to enact the evil and harmful lessons they watch. In no time at all, they learn all the bad things that people can do.
Before television came into the world, the people-eater was radio. Radios sucked up humans' life-force. People used to stick a radio in their ear and completely forgot everything else. Radios made us forget about eating, sleeping, and the ordinary events of life. Now the television has confused us to the point of not knowing whether we're coming or going.
Computers have followed along right after the television.
In Chinese
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